I am updating this for people close to me as I find more information. This is the only place I will be posting COVID-19 related information. The dates reflect when I learn of the subjects, not when they happen/ed.
- One of the best interviews on Coronavirus I came across is also one of the cutest!
- Bucharest city centre car circulation is getting restricted during weeknds, maybe ?
- Japan working on a program to pay for some 10M workers in small companies who got laid off during recent troubles.
- Please continue to do your best to not be this person
- Visualisation for why social distancing works
- Learning with Amazon
- Amazing charities going on! Just heared about @jack’s
- Occam’s razor cuts deep with this explanation for why some journalists and politicians can confidently say false things.. they just don’t think they can get caught.
- The amazing Esther Perel went again for another round of brain excitation with Tim Ferriss. So sorry to say that I can’t highlight interesting stuff since just listening to the way these 2 humans speak makes my brain sparkle. One thing to note is that this conversation is in dire need during this time and is handled by 2 of the world’s experts at their respective tasks. Please have a listen here
- http://biomed-sanity.com/
- Pentru usurarea crearii documentului, am cautat o extensie care m-ar putea ajuta, am ales-o pe asta, si acum pot recompleta usor informatiile din formularul de mai jos.
- Pentru generarea documentului de declaratie pe propria raspundere exista deja o aplicatie online aici.
- corona vs the flu
- Ordonanta Militara nr 3 din 24.3 pare ca se incarca destul de greu, asa ca m-am uitat rapid si prin alte publicatii ca deja au aparut.
- Some people are learning and sharing resources on how to cope with staying inside.
Update cu declaratiile publice legate de restriciile de maine, care intra in vigoare de la ora 12:00 (eu asa am inteles) sunt aici, dintre care zic in plus de:
- persoanele peste 65 de ani pot iesi din casa intre 11:00-13:00
suspendarea zborurilor dinspre/catre Franta si Germania 14 zile
- This was hilarious
Restrictiile anuntate de Klauss Iohannis ca intra maine in vigoare prin ordonanta militare sunt ca:
- ce-a fost pana acum recomandare devine obligatie
- oamenii pot iesi la serviciu si sa se intoarca de la serviciu, sa-si faca cumparaturile de alimente absolut necesare de pe o zi pe alta
- masuri de supraveghere electronica pentru persoanele care sunt in carantina sau in izolare
- personale peste 65 de ani sunt obligate sa stea in casa
Textul Ordonantei Militare nr 2 / 21.3.2020 este aici, modelul declaratiei pe proprie raspundere este aici (preluat de aici).
- some good news for corona
- Vaccine trial actually begun on Monday in China as well as in USA.
- Descretul privind instituirea starii de urgenta
- Specialists should have opinions on complex stuff and share them. For myself, I try to frame ideas I’m not knowledgeable about at the “this sounds interesting” vs “this is true” level.
- AMA with Bill Gates on Covid
- [exercise] mistress fitness does some stretching
- Scotland si Wales inchid scolile de vineri, UK anunta azi
- [exercise] How about 1000 push-ups in an hour? 17 every minute on the minute.
- Ceva de facut pentru perioada de distractie.
- [exercise] playlist from sys
- [exercise] from Senada Greca
- La stiri live de la sediul MAI: se inchid restaurantele, zborurile catre / din Spania, evenimentele in aer liber > 100 persoane. 18k pers la domiciliu, 3k persoane in izolare. Nu se inchid orase. Nu se rationalizeaza alimentele.
- Uite niste jocuri free to play
- Mobexpert inchide magazinele in Romania.
- Possibly human trials to start in summer
- Really long shopping line
- Belgium timeline
- “Joint Industry Statement from Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter and Youtube” sounds epic even more so when @fbnewsroom tweets this here
- [exercise] Another image of exercises
- So I guess UK caught on to the stay at home thing
- De azi suntem in stare de urgenta pe tot teritoriul Romaniei, uite ce inseamna asta. As zice ca ar trebui sa citesti.
- Austria imposes curfew since they have >1000 infected people today.
- [exercise] Youtube workouts I should try during time at home are: Shaun T.
- [exercise] Stay at home exercises chart
- Half-life of the virus on different surfaces
- [fun] DJ Corona
- Vaccine trial started in US
- Hong Konger on Corona
- Based on the week old paper on death causes for 150 people from Wuhan, diagrams are here to highlight that this disease also affects the heart as well as the lungs.
- Comparation of symptoms I found useful between covid, common cold, flu and and allergies is linked here
- If you thought it was crowded at your place check out O’Hare airport.
- Italy’s evolution in stages
- “Speed trumps perfection”
- Cei de la DOR spun ca inca eram de dimineata in scenariul 2, insa tocmai s-ai mai dat un comunicat de la ministerul sanatatii care anunta intrarea in scenariul 3.
- se declara stare de urgenta de saptamana urmatoare. mai multe detalii despre ce inseamna asta pentru mine am citit aici
- Infographic- This is good because information here is taken from Johns Hopkins University.
- New infographic
- Wolfram alpha resources for COVID-19
- Why your government isn’t acting on the Corona/COVID-19 threat